Technological toolkit Spaces (plateformes technologiques -PFT in French) are educational tools for initial curriculums and continuing training, to develop projects in connection with VSE / SME. They are grouped within an association named INNOVALO.
Technology platforms are designed to support and promote innovation and technology transfer. They offer an opportunity to confront secondary/high school students or (under-)graduate students with real problems and VSEs / SMEs to access resources they could not afford (problems of cost, space, technology, …).
The technological platforms are the privileged places to develop projects involving multi-level curriculum (e.g., Bac Pro / BTS, IUT / engineering school or Master), or multi-disciplines (e.g., pre-sales / design).
The French law n ° 99-587 (July 12, 1999) upon innovation and research stipulates that high schools can ensure, by convention, (paid) services in order to carry out technology transfer actions and professors may participate to these actions.
List of Technological Toolkit Spaces (TTS) of Bourgogne Franche-Comté :
They are located on this map. A general leaflet presenting the different Technological Toolkit Spaces is available here. A short description and contacts are available here.
- TTS “Leather Academy (Académie du Cuir)“
- TTS “Agro-equipment and Sustainable Agriculture (Agroéquipements et Agriculture Durable)” (A2D)
- TTS “du Charolais” (meat and local products)
- TTS “Development and Integration of Optical Solutions (Développement et Intégration de Solutions Optiques)” (DISO)
- TTS “Engineering and Automation of Production Systems (Ingénierie et Automatisation des Systèmes de Production)” (IASP)
- TTS “Food and Culinary innovations (Innovations Alimentaires et Culinaires)” (Innovalim)
- TTS “Interact’3D“
- TTS “Microtechnics and Prototypes (Microtechniques-Prototypage)” (MP)
- TTS “New products for future mobilities (Nouveaux produits pour les mobilités du futur)” (NPMF)
- TTS “Process Optimisation and Optimised Industrial Products (Optimisation des Processus de Production et des Produits Industriels)” (03PI)
- TTS “Plateform 3D“
- TTS “Wood Technology (Tecbois)”
- TTS “High Speed Machning (Usinage à grande vitesse)” (UGV)
Last update : 12/09/2018