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Job Campuses (Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications in French – CMQ) have been defined in 2013 by the law designed to rebuild the French school system. They aim to  emphasize professional education and to favour professional insertion for all ages.

They include institutions of secondary schools, high schools, universities,  initial or continuing education, economical units from different types (public sector, private sector, association, …) and institutional organizations (Region, DREETS, …). They are built around a business sector of excellence corresponding to a national or regional economic challenge supported by local authorities and local businesses. They define themselves as a network of partners to evaluate (future) job needs of companies. They are designed to ensure training, learning to learn, in order to enable lifelong training (jobs, harmonious developments, professional insertions, …).

Bourgogne Franche-Comté CMQs include all levels: secondary schools, high schools (pro), and universities via apprentice training centers, high schools (pro), universities and engineering schools as well as research laboratories or technological labs (plateformes technologiques in French). They offer a range of general, technological and professional diploma for all publics as part of a continuum French baccalauréat (A Levels) -3 to French baccalauréat +8 and at all ages of life. The tools are the training or the accreditation for work experience (Valorisation of Acquired Experience – VAE) : National Vocational Qualification – Level 1, 2 (CAP in French) to Masters / engineering degrees, under academic status, apprentice, student, professionalization contract or training period of continuing education.

In Bourgogne Franche-Comté, eight campuses apply the national orientations :

AgroEquipment (AgroEquipement) (AE)

Food, Taste, Tourism (Alimentation, Goût, Tourisme) (AGT)

Car and mobilities of the future (Automobile et Mobilités du Futur) (AMF)

Forest-Wood (Forêt-Bois) (FB)

Performant Innovative Technological Industries (Industrie Technologique Innovante et Performante) (ITIP)

Leather Goods and Art jobs (Maroquinerie et Métiers d’Arts) (MMA)

Microtechnics and Intelligent Systems (Microtechnique et Systèmes Intelligents) (MSI)

Intelligent Territory (Territoire Intelligent) (TI)

Last update : 20/06/2022